Goodbye, Crueller World!
Originally published at You can comment there.
Allrighty. It's the end of the calendar year, 2007. We've made it. Pat yourselves on the back. I'm busy drawing up some free sketches for all y'all, so stay tuned, some of them may make an appearance on le blog.
It's year end, top ten list making time. As rarely am I critical enough to exclude anything from a list of things I like, I'll leave the list making to others. Here are a few of my fave year end lists!
1) All the game of the year lists at GAMETRAILERS.COM. I'm a huge gamer, and 2007 is definitely going to be remembered as one of the good ones. They have about 10 or so top ten lists covering every aspect of gaming, so check 'em out!
2) NOW MAGAZINE, one of Toronto's weekly rags has some nice top ten movie lists.
3) While on the subject of movies, has a list of the years best directorial debuts. Definitely give all these flicks a watch. I will, eventually...
And yeah, all other lists are bull plop.
Okay, I'll list some of my fave movies of the year. I see Children of Men appearing on many a list this winter, but that movie was released in 2k6, so I don't count it. Same goes for Pan's Labyrinth. I watch A LOT of movies, and seriously, for the life of me, I can't remember everything I've seen. So, there very well may be some awesome movies I saw in January, that I'll never recall. Anyway, here goes:
8) Zodiac
7)No Country for Old Men
5)Inland Empire
2)The Darjeeling Ltd.
1)Lars and the Real Girl
There are tons more that I know will be on this list, that I haven't seen yet, such as EASTERN PROMISES. So I may have to revise this list in a few weeks.
Hmm. I love music too much to even make a list.
Video games, umm, I can say as great as the Wii is, as a hardcore gamer, I'm disappointed in Nintendo. And I think Sony is going to destroy the 360 for the rest of this console war.
Rather than looking back at what was great in 2k7, all I can think of how awesome 2008 is going to be. CLOVERFIELD! METAL GEAR SOLID 4! A new Weezer album! More bands following Radiohead's lead! What more can you ask for?!
Be safe this new year!!