Originally published at www.mydestroyer.com. You can comment there.

Been a fairly big fan of
NIN/Trent Reznor for quite a while now. Dare I say borderline musical genius? That said, the last two NIN albums, With Teeth and Year Zero just left me cold. Personally, I would blame the exploration of more traditional song structures, and lyrical content. My favorite works by Reznor must of been his mid to late nineties offerings, especially the instrumental numbers and meandering remixes where the vocals where all but decimated by beat repeats and distortion. So when I discovered via bit torrent that NIN had just released a collection of instrumental works, with many more similar projects to come, I was pumped! And
GHOSTS I-IV does not disappoint at all! It's awesome if you are a fan of NIN.
I've always been a proponent of the internet, and despised the failing dinosaurs of industry and distubution that is the music industry (and comic industry for that matter), and even years ago when I had just started working with
Oni Press had tried to come up with ways to do a kissing chaos book for FREE. This of course, was before the internet became THE INTERNET. BEfore
Napster/KAzaa/ Bittorrent, before downloadable comics, before
In Rainbows, and
Niggy Tardust, and of course, NIN Nails' Ghosts.
Of course, one could say, hey ADC, you ARE doing a free
kissing chaos comic. And they would be right.
Kissing Chaos: 'Til I Die is free every thursday. But a web comic is still quite different than a free digital download of a product. At least in my mind.
Brian Wood currently offers a free download of his great art book Public Domain. He told me it was just an experiment, but it did get me thinking of the days when I wanted to give away a free comic, and made me realize that I can do this, in 2008, with the technology at hand.
So, yeah, there's this little link on the main
kissingchaos.com page, that says downloads. Soon, and very soon there will be something there. Some free print quality comics. Some wallpapers. And some other online experiments in the vein of Ghosts, In Rainbows, etc.
Keep it locked!