Monday, August 25, 2008

8 days to go.

Originally published at You can comment there.

I've been barely updating both my blog and my webcomic the past month. I apologize, but I have a good excuse! I'm almost a dad. My beautiful lady has been pregnant for about 38ish weeks, carrying two boys! And, in just over a week my twin boys will be ushered into the world. So, yeah. I've been busy the last month juggling work and baby prep. Babies prep, rather.

I have been working and juggling work stuff around, and I should be able to maintain my webcomic even when the boys are here. Well, I'm gonna try. I work from home, so, who knows how that's all gonna work out. If anything, I'll be blogging about how I'm going bald from stress or something...

But, I am very excited to get this web comic going full swing. It's kind hard having the whole story plotted and pretty much scripted, ready and waiting, but not being able to share it with everyone... but alas, it won't draw itself. If only.



Tuesday, August 12, 2008

has it been a week...?

Originally published at You can comment there.

wow. I vowed to post something every day, and that lasted, what...? a week?

My bad?

Speaking of bad, Strongbad, of flash animation fame, has a game available on Wii Ware. I was an early adopter of the Wii, and now it just collects dust. This whole Wii ware thing interests me, but I couldn't be bother to try and figure out how the online Wii shenanigans work.

Finally saw Kung Fu Panda. Cute.

Have yet to see Pineapple Express, but I hear good things. I guess I'm too busy working and getting ready for two babies which will join me on this mortal coil in less than a month.

Speaking of busy, yeah, I haven't updated my online KISSING CHAOS comic in 2 weeks. I'll get to it this week. I was tied up last week working on a new property for the small screen. Who knows if that will actually go anywhere, but the pitching process and talking with Hollywood types has been fun.

This week I've beginning work on a "holiday" comic for Motorola. Yup. The phone company. They are paying fairly well, but I would love to get a cell phone out of the gig.

anyway, that's been my life the past week.

oh, yes, I've been watching the latest season of Desperate Housewives marathon style the last couple of days while I work on some re-writing projects. Big, cheesy fun.

Tomorrow I'll be searching for my street cred.


Monday, August 04, 2008

onc can dream

Originally published at You can comment there.

after the slight disappointment that a remake of FFVII wasn't announced this past weekend at Square Enix's DKS3713 event in Japan, this has surfaced on ye old interwebs. The link points to a cell phone picture of a misprinted sign at Best Buy, somewhere in the US of A. It's popping up all over the net, but I'm not sure if it's all from one BB location.

My brain would explode if Square had been developing a remake of FFVII for years and kept it veiled in Apple-like secrecy, only to release the game with no absolutely no promotion, shattering sales records with no hype whatsoever.

one can dream.


Sunday, August 03, 2008

what I learned at the punk show

Originally published at You can comment there.

When in "the pit", it's best to stand near groups of girls. They smell better, and don't push as much as the sweaty, shirtless dudes.
I'll hopefully have some video for you to see soon.

adc (the old guy at punk shows)

also, be prepared for said shirtless to guys sling their arms around you and corral you into a grand sing along, whenever the mood strikes.

pps-there are actual cops patrolling the train station after midnight. most likely cuz it's caribana weekend in toronto, and there are lots of, um, "urban" folk about. but the cops would never say that's the reason. No.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Nostalgia is my middle name.

Originally published at You can comment there.

Not sure if it's a by product of getting old, but I have this desire to either hold on to things of my past. Is it kinda like being retro? Or reliving the quote/unquote glory days of yore?

For example, last year I found some sneakers on eBay that I used to have years prior, and actually still kept and wore on occasion, despite their being mangled to all hell. I threw out my old pair once I got the new ones. Over a year has passed, and I've yet to wear these new/old kicks. I guess I don't want to scuff them up? I'm waiting for the perfect occasion? I dunno.

In another bout of retro, reliving my youth, I'm going to see Rancid play a show tonight. I guess you could say they were a huge deal to me when I was a wee lad in school. Lets see how gravelly Tim's voice has gotten!
