nano word count. and etc such as trip to Italy. also, Meg and Dia.
So, my Nanowrimo word count is now 12 516. Yes, I went on a writing tear. Tere? Anyway, it's somewhat disconcerting, as the stuff I'm writing is pretty much evolving into an autobiographical work. This was not my intent, even though I base most of my work on some sort of true experience, even if it's just an emotion, or trying to approximate an actual event in my life via fiction.
Needless to say, this first draft will most likely remain in the vault, and only after subsequent editing sessions will the story be ready for public consumption.
In other news, I'm failing hard at keeping deadlines. There's a commission that has been at about 80% for months, that I've yet to finish. And another art piece for the 69 Love Songs project that should've been finsihed this week. I'll hammer these down once I return from Italy in a week or so.
Yeah, I'm heading to Rome, Italy for a weeklong working trip. I don't plan on sleeping. I'll be writing a screenplay and various other projects 24/7. It'll be amazing.
I'll post word counts and commentary while I'm away, as I've been promised that my hotel room has wi-fi.
I'll be in touch.
I think this song is super cute: