Firstly, I mentioned before I've been dabbling with ink sketching, something I've never pursued with any real commitment in the past. Check the link below to see some of my latest doodles with ink. For these I used and ink brush. I tried to find an "asian" style brush, to get a specific look to the line work. The line quality I want is there, I just need more experience with the brush, in order to create the actual lines I want.
At any rate, click
here for the jpegs. The following art is from some figure drawing from life, as well as some sketches from photos and a couple from my head.
As for
Kissing Chaos dot com that I'll be uploading the first KC online comic strip on February 24th. From that date on, the online comic will updated on a regular basis, occurring every other week. When the mood strikes, I'll upload a stand alone random one off story from the KC universe on the in between weeks, but for the most part, each KC episode will be uploaded bi-weekly. (
to maintain the quality I'm looking for, I need the full two weeks!).
The first episodes will be
KC: OVERTURES. These will be old/rare KC online strips and shorts, revisited with new art and dialogue. Essentially a warm up for myself, whenever I'm feeling rusty, and need a recharge. My first major work planned for this online venture will be the final release of the long delayed
Kissing Chaos: Sweet Nothings story. Let me explain a little about the life of this book.
A few years back, I had planned to release a KC one-shot called Sweet Nothings through Oni Press. This was to be a 22-32 page story, in the regular comic format. As I was working on the book, (most of it was actually drawn), I realized I needed more pages to tell the story, how I truly wanted. My plan at the time was to create an exclusive online supplement to the comic book. The reader could download the extra stories, and read it together with the printed book, thus getting the full story. It was a sound plan.
Around that time I pretty much burnt myself out, which ultimately lead to me leaving the safe harbor of Oni Press. I took Kissing Chaos with me, vowing to get Sweet Nothings out online. I braved the lonely ocean of freelance art for a couple of years, all the while adding more and more to the lost KC one-shot, even redrawing some of the pages that were already finished. (
I was sick of looking at the old pages! Artists will understand.)
About a year ago, I seemed ready to put Sweet Nothings online. By this time, the story had expanded, to the length of a short graphic novel, possibly a few issues in length. I was pumped. The story seemed to have a life of it's own, and I kept adding more sub plots, fleshing out the characters, and delving much deeper into the KC universe than I had planned. Unfortunately, my freelance commitments, and the general need to make a living basically postponed the creation of the comic.
As I've mentioned in a previous post, I'm pretty much done with freelancing, and tired of putting off my own work, just to get by and make a living. So for the next few months, I'm going to once again brave new and treacherous waters, by totally focusing on getting this comic done... finally. There are fans who've been waiting patiently, and I aim to please.
I think I've come up with an interesting way to present the story. But for the story to be experienced exactly how I would like, it must be read in one sitting. I know, it sounds weird, but there's a method to the madness. I'm going to use a music analogy to explain my vision.
I see Sweet Nothings, the way a band might see a concept album, or any CD for the most part. It must be experienced, and appreciated as a whole. Sure, like a CD, you can listen to the individual songs, or, in this case, read the individual episodes/chapters of the comic. Hopefully they will be able to stand on their own. But I'm also hoping the impact to be that much different when the episodes are presented at the same time.
This being said, as I work on the series, I will be able to anticipate an official
"release date" for Sweet Nothings, as a whole. On this fabled day, I will upload every episode in it's entirety. Maybe get a little press and really pimp the release of the latest Kissing Chaos offering, just like a CD launch. The only way to get the full treatment of this story, will be to read it on or after it's official "release".
In the meantime, of course, I'm not going to leave the hardcore KC peeps waiting. In the months prior to the official release, I'll be uploading a number of episodes of the story. What I think will work best, is on a bi weekly basis, upload the episodes that comprised the original 32 page comic (
expanded a little), that Oni Press was going to publish. That way, if you read the comic online, you'll get a complete story, just not the
whole story.
You'll read what's essentially the first draft of Sweet Nothings, before I blew it way out of proportion! Speaking in music terms, it's like listening to demo's, or getting to hear a few singles before the album is released. Then, when I unleash the complete story, everyone who read the previews, can read the entire series, and hopefully get a brand new experience. Here's hoping anyway.
Hmmm... it looks as though I've been rambling on and on. As I look over this post, I do think I'm a little bit crazy. But seriously, it sounds like a good idea in my head. The whole music analogy is closest thing conceptually to what I'm envisioning.
At any rate, if you've read this far... I thank you, and apologize for possibly making your head hurt.
I'll keep you posted...
Leave comments at:
www.mydestroyer.comAll text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz